Case study | Retro-fit dampers

600hp Water Pump Noise Reduction

New installed water pumps generated 95dB(A) – a problem as the Buy Quiet purchasing policy required the noise to be less than 85dB(A). Both pump and motor suppliers disputed their contributions as the expected costs of partial enclosure would be high. The INVC was consulted to settle the dispute. As a result of their diagnosis, they recommended installing SDS retro-fit dampers to key panels at a tiny fraction of the expected attenuation cost to provide an noise reduction of 12dB(A). Credit: Industrial Noise and Vibration Centre:

Damping water pump panels - view more

Analysis involved measuring the surface velocity on the various noise radiating panels and using this to estimate the sound power radiated by each. Retro-fit damping dampers were installed on the key panels – some on panels removed to the workshop and some installed on the pumps in the field. Installation down-time was negligible and there was no effect on cooling, access or maintenance. water pump noise control

Vibratory Scrap Conveyor Chute Hopper

The proposed noise barrier or partial enclosure to reduce the high levels of both environmental and occupational noise from this scrap metal vibratory conveyor hopper would have been very expensive and would have affected access. We recommended retro-fit dampers that were installed with no additional down-time and at a tiny fraction of the cost. These reduced the noise by 97% (15dB(A)) as illustrated by the sound file.

vibratory chute conveyor hopper noise reduction

Power Press Noise Reduction

A substantial proportion of the noise from a set of blanking presses was radiated by the flywheel guards. Instead of enclosing the presses at huge expense, the flywheels themselves were fitted with dynamic vibration absorbers and the guards converted into highly damped acoustic screens by fitting SDS retro-dampers. This reduced the guard radiated noise by >90% at very low cost and without affecting normal operation, access or maintenance. Credit: Industrial Noise and Vibration Centre.

damping press guards to reduce noise

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