high hygiene dampingConventional noise control materials and techniques such as enclosures, silencers and acoustic absorbent can pose a serious problem for food, pharmaceutical, electronic and other industries where hygiene is an important issue.

Fortunately, in a large number of cases, there is an alternative that is not only hygienic, but also rugged and low cost. Our laminated “dead metal” highly damped steel or aluminium sheets can be used as a quiet alternative to stainless steel and other sheet materials. Simply replace existing metal components (chutes, hoppers, guides etc) with laminated versions or, alternatively, you can damp existing components and constructions by using our retro-fit kits to create hygienic, quiet versions. A quick and simple way to retro-fit 10 – 30dB noise reductions without compromising hygiene, cleaning, durability or access.

Typical applications include guards, covers, weighing machines, ductwork, chutes and hoppers. In a typical application in the field of medical component manufacturing, treating dozens of stainless steel vibratory feed hoppers not only reduced the noise levels by up to 22dB(A), but also eliminated fatigue cracking (ref. http://www.invc.com/noise/noise-control/occupational-noise-control/#hygiene). This was a much greater noise reduction than could be achieved by the planned enclosures and at only 5% of the cost. It also avoided the associated hygiene and access problems and was fitted without significant down time.

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